It’s more than reusable, it’s an emotional support Juggy

Say goodbye to wasteful plastic, and hello to the era of reusable water bottles!
Did you know that US landfills are overflowing with a whopping two million tons of discarded water bottles? Yikes! It's no wonder that companies and some states are taking steps to reduce single-use plastics, like California, which has banned most types of plastic bags. Now it's time for plastic water bottles to follow suit and be shown the door.
But don't worry, there's a new trend in town: the "emotional support Juggy"!
But don't worry, there's a new trend in town: the "emotional support Juggy"! That's right, carrying a designated water Juggy with you everywhere you go is the latest way to show yourself some love. Whether you're at school, work, the gym, or jet-setting around the world, your trusty Juggy is there for you. It may not be the same as an emotional support animal, but it can still bring you a sense of comfort and attachment, as well as the practical benefit of always having water on hand.

We did a little poll on Instagram to see how many folks were hip to the Juggy trend, and it turns out that 63 out of 107 people were in the know. Zaria Robins, a junior majoring in mechanical engineering, described her Juggy as "the one water bottle you take everywhere for comfort," and even decked it out with stickers and a cute sleeve to show off her personality.

Whether you consider your Juggy to be your new best friend or just a handy water bottle,
there's no denying that using a reusable bottle is a smart move. Not only will you stay hydrated, but you'll also be doing your part to reduce plastic waste in our environment and landfills. So grab your Juggy and let's cheers to a more sustainable future!
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